So, here we are; five years on & I think we can safely say the model works!
Back in the summer of 2012 I remember explaining to people that we weren’t going to have an office or any staff & that everything would be in the cloud & we’d hold all our meetings via Skype & we’d use specialist companies & freelancers to help deliver our project & they looked at me a little like I’d lost my mind; but we believed it was the way forward & now it seems like the most natural thing in the world. In fact, we’re starting to hear of more & more projects that would traditionally have been with huge agencies moving to much smaller ones; the recent Samsung Note 8 launch out in New York is a particular example.
When we initially set up Mammoth Events we tendered for 4 key projects. We needed to win one to survive; two to survive comfortably; three would be brilliant & four; well there’s no way we’d win all four. We won all four & we’re delighted to report that we’re still working with those four clients today. In fact, we haven’t lost a single client in the whole 5 years, but we’ve added a few.
We’re still working with the same trusted suppliers as well. Most of them work at the very highest level for the largest agencies in the land & they deliver the exact same quality for us as they do for them.
The main challenges our model brings is growth. We’re at capacity for 2017/18 & our turnover (barring any cancellations) should be circa £1M once again. Neither of us are greedy & so we won’t take on any more than we can handle, so it’s never going to get substantially bigger; but if you love what you’re doing does it really matter? Sure, we could recruit a couple of Producers to work with us and we could move into more supervisory roles but that would mean handing over the part of the job that we love to someone else and we don’t love running a business, we love producing projects.
So, yes, the model has its limitations but it works a treat!